Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 5th ... more photos

Fenway Park

August 5 ... this morning we visited my high school in Andover Mass, then it was off to Fenway Park .... I pedaled onto Yawkey Way at 2:17 pm then around the block to meet the support team at the Ted Williams and Teammates monuments. It was pure joy to be at Fenway with my bike. We took GianCarlo to the RedSox store to get his official game hat ... the exact same one that the players wear.
This blog ends here but not before I give the biggest hugs in the world to Nini, GianCarlo and Grace ... the greatest support team in the world.

August 5th ...

In a few hours the last stage of Le Tour de L'amerique will start. It is 57 days since the first stage left the start line under a bridge in Astoria Oregon.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

more photos of the merrimack valley


Brattleboro to Lowell Ma.

August 4th ... just one day left on the tour de l'amerique. Today the ride took me from Brattleboro to Lowell. During the first 40 miles some of the hills had 13 degree grades, more than any of rides in the cascade, sawtooth, teton or rocky mountains. The greatest support team in the world spent the day exploring the Merrimack River Valley and Lowell.
Tomorrow the tour will end at Fenway Park home of the Red Sox Nation.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Albany to Brattleboro Vermont

August 3 .... 76 miles ...4635 feet of climbing ..... well it has been a long time since I have had climbs like today. I used gears that I had not used since the Rockies. At one point there was a 10% grade. Well, this is why it is called the green mountain state. Lots of quaint villages and maple syrup stands everywhere. The support team explored Bennington and Nini posed with the local moose. Tomorrow, we head to Massachusetts.

Monday, August 2, 2010

little to albany

August 2 ... Richard and I set out in a pouring rain which more or less continued for the first 35 miles until we reached Amsterdam. Our destination was the Albany Airport because Richard had a 2:55 pm flight back to San Francisco. We made good time and reached the airport at about 1 pm where the support crew was waiting for us with a change of clothes... and Richard's baggage. Needless to say this is the best support crew in the world. This evening we headed to Albany to view the center and to eat blazing spicy burritos. Tomorrow, we head to Vermont

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Baseball hall of fame

syracuse, rome and baseball in one day

this morning we visited syracuse university where my great aunt and my mother went to school. The old section of the campus is stunning. Then we went over to Rome (new york that is) and to San Pietro or Saint Peter's as they call it. After that, we headed to the vaticano of baseball, the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. On the way back, in the middle of Amish country, there was an outstanding Russian Orthodox Monastery.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

white sausages

today we came within 2 miles of riding a century but we did get to get Zweibels' white sausaages. The support squad visited the museum in Palmyra which had an awesome guide ... he posed with richard and me.
tomorrow we are going to shorten our ride for the best of all reasons: to visit the baseball hall of fame.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Erie canal day 1: Biking Bliss

July 30th ... Richard Choi arrived in Buffalo after flying all night and we headed straight to the Erie Canal for a 70 mile ride. Obviously, sleep deprivation has no effect on Richard ... I could hardly keep up with him. We did get lost and ended up in Greece ......... New York of course. Tonight we ate at Dinosaur in Rochester which has been featured on the Food Channel. We tend to rely on the Food Channel rather than the Michelin Guide or Zagats. Tomorrow, we head back to the Canal for another day of riding bliss ... no cars, no noise except when they raise the bridges for a boat.