Sunday, June 27, 2010


June 27 ... we had to abort the trip because we do not have a driver for the SAG wagon. Thanks for watching.


  1. I can't believe it, just as I catch up on this amazing trip via this blog are you really aborting? Wish I could fly over and join you but have to go to freezing melbourne instead. I love all the pics, the countryside, the weather, the food, the birthday celebrations. And I was so impressed by Rita learning to drive, what happened?
    love norie

  2. Hi Phil, really sorry to see this, I am sure you are gutted. Await to here the details.
    All the best Malcolm

  3. Very sorry to hear the news. At least you made it over the mountains and created a beautiful journal of a wonderful if incomplete adventure. Here's to future rides in spectacular settings.
    Fred and Julie
